Important IAJGS Hilton or Westin Hotel Room Cancellation Procedures
From: robinnm (
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 16:09:04 -0700 (PDT)
IAJGS Hilton or Westin Hotel Room Cancellation Procedures

For those of you who wish to cancel reservations at the Hilton or Westin Hotels in Warsaw, the conference planners have a very important request:
Please make your cancellation through Eventplanner [at]
This will protect the conference.
IF you cancel or shorten your length of stay through the hotel instead of us, the hotel will not keep those nights within our "block" and they could sell the rooms over the Internet instead. The danger to our conference is that we have guaranteed a minimum number of rooms and the price of our conference space is guaranteed by this. Please protect the conference by making any cancellations through us so WE can sell the rooms and keep those nights within our block.
Don't forget to register for the conference also!  Visit
Thanks so much for your help making this conference a success!
Remember: Protect the conference by making Hilton or Westin hotel cancellations only through eventplanner [at]

Looking forward to seeing you in Warsaw!
Robinn Magid
Berkeley, California
IAJGS 2018 Warsaw Conference Lead Co-Chair
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