Invitation to Hear Presentation on Records Access
From: Jan Meisels Allen (
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2018 21:55:44 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Fellow Warsaw Conference Conferees,


I know this is not "sexy" but genealogists need records in order to do their family history research and we are having more difficulty accessing these records worldwide due to privacy concerns and government entities placing roadblocks to access.  Since the adoption of the European Union's General Data Privacy Regulation some databases have been removed or shut down—not only in the EU-- and we have seen an increase in embargo periods for access to vital records in the United States—a sample of but two issues that will be discussed.


Please join me at the program on Monday, August 6 1:30-2:30 PM in the Wroclaw-Lightroom for:

"Worldwide Privacy Regulations Restricting Access to Genealogical Records".


Travel safe and I look forward to seeing you in Warsaw!


Jan Meisels Allen

Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee



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